Mark Siegal

Mark Siegal (he/him)
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs

For more information about me, see my page and the lab research page.

Cassandra Buzby (she/her)
Ph.D. student

I am interested in understanding how genetic interactions affect trait variation in natural populations. Due to the large number of variants in the genome and resulting statistical limitation of multiple hypothesis testing, there is very little power to detect how much interactions between genetic loci contribute to a trait. My research aims to characterize these gene-by-gene interactions by holding fixed a single chromosome in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Effects dependent on the identity of this fixed genetic background are thus interacting with loci on that chromosome. This model thus converts interaction effects to additive effects, reducing the statistical pitfalls of current estimates of epistasis.

Eugene Plavskin (he/him)
Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor

I am interested in how evolution rewires complex gene regulatory networks. My work focuses mainly on understanding how mutation space constrains this evolutionary process. To this end, I am exploring the fitness effects of de novo mutations in yeast using a combination of high-throughput microscopy and modeling.

Federica Sartori (she/her)
Ph.D. student

I am interested in how genotypes translate into phenotypes. For my Ph.D. thesis I am studying how natural variation in a gene within a network alters the phenotypic outcome of other genes it interacts with. I am also interested in how genetically homogenous populations generate phenotypic diversity among individuals, which allows some members of the population to survive stresses.

Carina Terry (they/them)
Laboratory Technician

I am interested in the impact of environment on genotype and phenotype evolution. I have a background in ecology and population genetics, previously studying genetic variation in the flying squirrels Petaurista lena and Petaurista grandis. These species live in similar habitats at two different altitudes, but demonstrate opposite changes in population demography in response to historical climate changes. Now I am interested in looking at genotype/phenotype/environment relationships on a finer scale in populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Kianairy Marrero (She/They)
Laboratory Technician

I am interested in studying how gene interactions vary depending on the genetic background. This is characterized by swapping a gene in 2 different yeast strains and determining the effect. I am also interested in finding natural yeast around the city and analyzing their population genetics.

Qiange Tong (Mega) (she/her)
Undergraduate Research Assistant

I’m interested in genetics, medications, and their interactions. My research focuses on investigating the effects of combination treatments on quantitative trait loci. Common antifungal treatments, amphotericin B, fluconazole, and itraconazole, are used in different combinations and concentrations to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) identified for resistance to each treatment in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Different QTL have the potential to be identified depending on the combination of treatments or concentrations. In addition, I’m engaged in Cassandra’s epistasis project, particularly the advanced intercross part.

Peace Ohazurume (she/her)
Undergraduate Research Assistant

I’m Peace Ohazurume, an undergraduate biochemistry major deeply passionate about cancer biology. My research interests revolve around understanding how cellular signaling pathways contribute to metastasis and tumor development. As an Undergraduate Research Assistant in this lab, I am eager to gain hands-on experience in genetics lab techniques, furthering my understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer progression. Outside of my academic pursuits, I enjoy singing and traveling, finding inspiration and relaxation in exploring new places and expressing myself through music. 

Sulekha Osman (she/her/hers)
Undergraduate Research Assistant

I am GPH-BIO major who is interested in genetics, molecular biology, and aging . My research lies at the intersection of my interests by by exploring the SIR2 gene’s role in DNA repair and its impact on aging and longevity in yeast I can answer important questions such as how organisms can maintain their cellular integrity over time. My research will also offer me a substantial way to apply genetic editing techniques and observe their outcomes which will provide insights into potential therapeutic strategies for age-related diseases in more complex organisms such as humans. 

Donnell Greene (he/him/his)
Undergraduate Research Assistant & Summer Intern

I’m Donnell Greene an undergraduate student at NYU studying biochemistry. My research interests include understanding how different genes work to adapt to environmental and genetic perturbations and its implications on genetic stability and human health. I am eager to acquire hands-on experience in a genetics lab and learn laboratory techniques critical to furthering my research interests. By working in a genetics lab, I hope understand the intricate relationship between genes and their environment and its applications to human health outcomes.

We are updating this page. New photos and info on current and former lab members coming soon!

lab lunch
lab trip
Cassandra giving a talk
freezer defrosting
lab celebration
undergraduate research conference