photo of mark siegal

Mark Siegal
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs


Brown University, Sc.B. in Biology, 1993

Harvard University, Ph.D. in Biology, 1998

Stanford University, Postdoctoral Fellow, 1998-2004


New York University, Department of Biology, Assistant Professor, 2005-2010

New York University, Department of Biology, Associate Professor, 2011-2018

New York University, Department of Biology, Professor, 2018-

New York University, College of Arts and Science, Vice Dean of General Education, 2020-2022

New York University, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs, 2022-

Research Interests

My research interests lie at the interface between evolutionary and systems biology. I seek to understand the evolution of complex traits by studying the processes by which variation in complex traits is controlled. For more details, see the lab Research page.